Monday, September 3, 2007

That Bird is NOT My Doppleganger!

It turns out that the Jon Greenberg I've been gchatting with for the past, um, four months was NOT the same Jon Greenberg I worked with at Hyatt. Ooops... I guess that explains why he never gets our party invites.

Jon: haha what you talkin about?
3:33 PM me: I havent seen you in FOREVER!
Jon: where are you these days?
3:34 PM me: where are you.....
I am still at chez copa silly
3:35 PM oh are you at work?
3:36 PM B/c its ambers b-day tomorrow!
wish her a happy bday for me!
Jon: haha i think you have the wrong guy
3:37 PM maybe wrong jon greenberg?
me: oh no you're kidding!
3:38 PM Jon: haha i was trying so hard to place you
but i dont know what chez copa is
me: OMG that is hilarious!
Jon: hahaha
what city are you in?
me: Washington DC
Jon: yeah im in Chicago
me: oh wow that explains so much!
Jon: but im sure that your jon greenberg is a very cool guy too
3:39 PM so dont think he has been flaking off on you cause of me
me: chez copa is what my roommates and I have named the apartment and we used to work together
3:40 PM his family lives in florida so he had to run home
but its been over a week
Jon: ah i gotcha
me: lol oh wow this is so funny/awkward
I am so sorry!
Jon: yeah i finally realized that you must have the wrong person and i didnt want you to think that this guy was just acting so weird for no reason
3:41 PM no problem
im laughing right now
3:42 PM me: What is even funnier is when we see each other I give him a hard time - because I swear I was talking to him on g chat
oh lordie
3:43 PM Jon: haha oh no
thats what i didnt want to happen
3:44 PM me: lol its no worry, we are like brother and sister, I just couldn't figure out why he was playing dumb for so long
I took it as a joke but it makes total sense now
well I will stop harrassing you and stick with seeing him face to face
3:45 PM have a great weekend!
5 minutes
3:50 PM Jon: haha you have a great weekend too
it was a pleasure

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